Select page from this chapter: Edit Task GUI, Parameters GUI, Preferences GUI, Process GUI, Review GUI

Parameters GUI


The Parameters GUI is where you set the parameters of the methods of the open task of the selected jobs. You open it by clicking the "Task Pars" button, when you have at least one job selected. An example of its appearance is shown above. Note that you can maximize this window.

You can close the GUI at any time, and the changes you have made will be stored. Generally, you select a group of jobs, click "Task Pars" to open the GUI, then repeatedly check/change parameters (using the "Test PP" and "Test" buttons where necessary), then click "Next" to move on to the next pipeline or next job. When you click "Next" on the last pipeline of the last job, you will be offered the chance to close the GUI, because you're probably done at that point.

NB: When you click "Next" and move on to the next job, the current job is flagged as "parametrized". This is only an aide-memoire, and has no other effect, but if you try to run a set of jobs in the Main GUI, and one or more is not flagged in this way, you will see a warning. Feel free to ignore this warning if you are happy that all jobs are parametrized correctly, or if you just don't care that they're not.

GUI components

Video Frame Preview

One frame from the video for the job is shown - it is the start frame of the current task. This frame may be annotated at different stages to show you the value of some parameter or other.

Select Job/Pipeline

Two drop-down boxes allow you to select which job, and which pipeline within that job's current task, you want to edit the parameters for. You can move about manually using these drop-down boxes, but it will be more usual to just keep clicking "Next" to move on to the next pipeline of the selected job or the first pipeline of the next job.

Test buttons

You can click "Test PP" (pre-processing) or "Test" to process one frame of the current task, and update the Video Frame Preview to show how well it sent. If you select one or more PP methods, the image is updated to reflect their operation when you run a test. If you select one or more non-PP methods, annotations will be added appropriately. Once you are happy with the outcome of these tests, click "Next" to move on.

NB: The reason "Test PP" is done separately is because some non-PP methods can take a very long time to compute if the PP was not done well. When using such methods, you may wish to use "Test PP"; otherwise, you might find it quicker to go directly to "Test".

Method Sections

Below, one section is presented for each parametrisable method. If they don't all fit, you can collapse one or more by pressing the "+" buttons so that the lower ones fit in the window.

Each section is a list of parameters for that method, and so each is different. Parameters are usually shown as a Name, a value in a text box, and a slider for changing the value using the mouse (you can also change the value by updating the text box and pressing return). Some parameters offer brief help - click the button alongside to see it.

Some parameters require graphical interaction - for instance, two of the parameters of stShapeSpaceKalman indicate that you can set them using a mouse click in the image. Some parameters offer an entirely separate GUI component to set them; these provide a button labelled "Edit", which will open this new GUI.

For more help with the parameters of a particular method, come to this documentation. If you don't find it here, ask the author of the method to add a page to the documentation.